BIOVAST / About Us

About Us

BIOVAST has united the experience from Lithuania and Latvia and now introduces a new brand, a symbol of professional protein production and securing the safe ecological environment. The word ‘bio’ is recognized as a mark of organic industry. The word ‘vast’ expresses the processing of animal by-products. The company uses the latest technology, allowing it to change the processed raw materials and their structure, while modern laboratories guarantee accurate product parameters, adapting the production process to customer needs. Important part of BIOVAST business is eco-friendly collection and processing of animal by-products. Modern production of protein products is a guarantee of each country’s food safety. BIOVAST companies are united by qualified personnel – professionals in their fields. The development of a single customer service and technology system allows BIOVAST enterprises to offer high-quality products and services to its customers.

BIOVAST Rietavas is a modern plant that collects, utilises or recycles all categories of animal by-products. It’s annual production output is 17 000 tons of bone meal and 8 000 tons of fat. The factory produces valuable protein products for various industries, used in the production of feed, fertilizer, fuel, soap and cosmetics.

The company provides high quality service bringing together experts in their fields, who manage the fleet of 20 special vehicles and modern technology that complies with the highest EU health, hygiene, sanitation, food safety and environmental standards.

The exclusive function of BIOVAST Rietavas is taking care of the Lithuanian ecological condition. It is the only company in Lithuania to offer a wide range of animal by-product processing services:

The mission of Biovast Lietuva is to ensure the timely, rational ABP collection and recycling in Lithuania and Latvia, to produce high quality products, to promote solidarity in the approach of the government, business and the general public in pursuit of the cleaner environment.

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55 000 t

annual animal by - products output

17 000 t

annual PAP output

8 000 t

annual fat output



2024 m. IV ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2024 m. III ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2024 m. II ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2024 m. I ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
Aplinkos monitoringo programa 2023 (požeminis vanduo, nuotekos)
Aplinkos monitoringo programa 2023
2023 m. IV ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2023 m. III ketv. oro taršos monitoringo ataskaita
2023 m. III ketv. paviršinių nuotekų monitoringo ataskaita
2023 m. II ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2023 m. I ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2022 m. IV ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
Ūkio subjektų aplinkos monitoringo ataskaita 2022
Aplinkos monitoringo 2022 m. ataskaita
2022 m. III ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2022 m. II ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2022 m. I ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2021 m. IV ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2021 m. III ketv. monitoringo ataskaita
2021 m. II ketv. ataskaita
2021 m. I ketv. ataskaita
Poveikio požeminiam vandeniui monitoringo 2021 m. ataskaita
Ūkio subjektų aplinkos monitoringo ataskaita 2020, pdf.
2020 m. monitoringo ataskaita