Business of processing by-products
In the Baltic countries, BIOVAST is the brand that brings together all the leading companies that produce protein based products. This company, which has already been operating for ten years, now is expanding to the East. BIOVAST is taking care of both the country's and its environments ecological state.
Processed animal proteins (PAP)
It is the biological form and the source of complete protein, minerals and group B vitamins, especia...
Rendered animal fat
It is a non-food mixture obtained by processing animal by-products.
Salmon meal
It is a natural product, widely used in fisheries because of its unique properties. Salmon meal cont...
Salmon oil
It is used as a dietary supplement to animal feed, as it contains polyunsaturated acids, which promo...
Biovast Rietavas
CSC „Rietavo veterinarinė sanitarija”
Žadvainų St. 25, Kalakutiškės kaimas
Rietavo seniūnija,
LT – 90304 Rietavo savivaldybė,
Mob.: +370 656 23 063
E-mail: [email protected]
101C Rigas-Liepajas highway,
Saldus municipality, Saldus parish,
LV-3862, Latvia
Tel.: +371 63846937
E-mail: [email protected]
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